Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Where on Google Earth #258

With WoGE #257 Reynardo kindly picked a lovely spot where I went on holiday in 2009, Lyme Regis in Dorset, England.

I've selected an area where you have to travel a bit further to get a decent cream tea...

North is up, Schott rule applies; Happy Hunting!

PS, want to view some of my non-WoGE blogging?


  1. Ohhh - it looks lovely. "Cosy retreat, guaranteed privacy."

    One small question, though - which way's up?

    (Reynardo who is also having trouble doing the Open ID thing.)

  2. North is up (just updated the post, I thought it was still in the image).
    I nearly said the image was 'the right way up' but then I remembered you are upside-down there in Australia ;->

  3. This is 68˚12'30'' N, 31˚42'09'' W, on the east coast of Greenland.

    I think what we're looking at is the contact between Cenozoic rift basalts (brown, chaotically fractured) and Mesoarchaen (about 2.5 Ga BP) gneisses and migmatites of the North Atlantic craton (grey, stripy).

    This, at least, is what I can gather from the beautiful new geological map of the Arctic was just published about a year ago. You can view or download it here

  4. Nope, this is the northwestern rim of the Skaergaard intrusion...

  5. That's embarrassing... That thing was featured in several lectures by Mssrs Pearce and Hutton (IIRC) in my days at Durham. Looking back, I'm not sure I ever really know where it was. But I was all about igneous layering for a while, having originally 'discovered' geology on Rhum, another layered complex.

  6. Congratulations kwinkunks, post a link to the next woge when you're ready.
    PL is right, it is Skaergaard, so famous it has its own website ( I thought it was about time such a famous intrusion was featured.
    Sadly the layering is too subtle to see but I loved the sharp edged intrusion and the way you can make out the gneissic banding.

  7. WoGE #259 is up at my blog... Schott rule invoked, starting at 1700 GMT.
